Real Talk About Website Performance: 5 Must-Haves For High Speed Sites

It’s 2015, and there’s no longer any debate that website performance is crucial to success. Study after study has shown that the faster site wins, and with more browsing time happening on mobile devices, as well as site performance beginning to factor into search rankings, the days of multi-second pageloads are over.

Luckily there are also settled best-practices for getting speedy results. It’s not a research project or an arcane mystery to unravel. It’s not something that needs to be debated. Software is a science, and the computer scientists have the answers.

This session covers the indisputable what and why of high-performance websites:

Page cache
Object cache
PHP tuning
Database configuration
Front-end optimization

For any developer or systems administrator responsible for satisfying the need for speed, this session will deliver specific, actionable, practical answers.
